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Germany's Black Holocaust: 1890-1945 Page 12
Germany's Black Holocaust: 1890-1945 Read online
Page 12
Young White German Witness members were not spared or shielded from Nazi tyranny. After all, they were seen as one and the same as “nigger” children were, or, as the “Rhineland Bastards.”
Hans Massaquoi, as we know, was the son of a German mother and African father, and was for all intents and purposes a “nigger” to German authorities.
He was mocked and made fun of throughout his school years, and was singled out by teachers because of the color of his skin. As we have discussed, he suffered humiliating experiences, just like young Witnesses.
And as far as these young Witnesses seeking a higher education was concerned, this was out of the question under Nazi rule. Now, let us compare Hans Massaquoi’s experience with that of Helmut Knöller, who was a young White German Witness contemporary of Hans.
No, they did not know each other. But, as Helmut tells us of his experience, they might as well have been twin brothers:
At the very time that Jehovah’s witnesses’ activity in Germany was banned, my parents were baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah! For me the time of decision came when I was thirteen and the ban was announced. In school there were often decisions to make in connection with the flag salute, which I decided in favor of faithfulness and dedication to Jehovah. Under these circumstances, going on to get a higher education was unthinkable and so I began to learn the mercantile trade as an apprentice in Stuttgart; this included attendance twice a week at a commercial school where flag-raising ceremonies were held daily. Since I was taller than any of my classmates, I, of course, attracted undue attention when I refused to salute the flag.
When the teacher entered the room, the students were required to stand up, greet with the words “Heil Hitler” and raise the right hand. This I did not do. The teacher naturally directed his attention only to me and there were often scenes like: “Knöller, come here! Why don’t you greet with ‘Heil Hitler?’” “It is against my conscience, sir.” “What? You pig! Get away from me—you stink—farther away. Shame! A traitor!” etc. I was then transferred to another class. My father spoke to the principal and received the following characteristic explanation: “Can your God, in whom you trust, even give you a piece of bread? Adolf Hitler can, and this he has proved.” This meant people were to honor him and to greet him with the words “Heil Hitler.”[162]
A subtle irony can be seen when one closely scrutinizes the African American/Jehovah’s Witness connection or, the Witness comparison with any persecuted group for that matter.
Blacks, Jews, “Gypsies,” homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped, and others were all doomed for the most part. They had no control over what was destined to happen to them. However, this was not the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
White German Witnesses had a choice in the matter. All they had to do was renounce their affiliation with Jehovah’s Witnesses, say “Heil Hitler,” don a uniform, then “presto!”—they would be immediately released from imprisonment!
They would have the full rights of German citizenship restored, be reunited with their families, be reinstated at their places of employment; yes, be accepted back with full membership into the Aryan “Super” race. All is forgiven!
But, the vast majority of Witnesses would have none of it. This angered Hitler beyond description. He was so livid that it moved one eyewitness to say that the Witnesses received the most sadistical treatment ever meted out by the Nazis.
‘Of All Groups, Witnesses Treated Worst’
Like oppressed Blacks have done for years here in the United States of America on more than one occasion, the Witnesses launched a write-in campaign in an effort to halt persecution. The result? Hitler responded by unleashing the most terrifying wave of persecution ever on the small, innocuous group.
The effect that the letters, and especially the telegrams, had upon Hitler can be seen by a report written by Karl R. Wittig, attested by a notary public in Frankfurt (Main) on November 13, 1947:
“DECLARATION—On October 7, 1934, having been previously summoned, I visited Dr. Wilhelm Frick, at that time Minister of the Interior of the Reich and Prussia, in his home office of the Reich, located in Berlin, 6 am Köenigsplatz, since I was a plenipotentiary of General Ludendorff. I was to accept communications, contents of which were an attempt to persuade General Ludendorff to discontinuance of his objection to the Nazi regime. During my discussion with Dr. Frick, Hitler suddenly appeared and began taking part in the conversation. When our discussion obligatorily dealt with the action against the International Bible Students Association [Jehovah’s witnesses] in Germany up until now, Dr. Frick showed Hitler a number of telegrams protesting against the Third Reich’s persecution of the Bible Students, saying: ‘If the Bible Students do not immediately get in line we will act against them using the strongest means.’ After which Hitler jumped to his feet and with clenched fists hysterically screamed: ‘This brood will be exterminated in Germany!’ Four years after this discussion I was able, by my own observations, to convince myself, during my seven years in protective custody in the hell of the Nazis’ concentration camps at Sachsenhausen, Flossenbürg and Mauthausen—I was in prison until released by the Allies—that Hitler’s outburst of anger was not just an idle threat. No other group of prisoners of the named concentration camps was exposed to the sadism of the SS soldiery in such a fashion as the Bible Students were. It was a sadism marked by an unending chain of physical and mental tortures, the likes of which no language in the world can express.” [Emphasis supplied.]
After we had sent our letters to Hitler, a wave of arrests took place. Hardest hit was Hamburg where, just a few days after October 7, the Gestapo arrested 142 [Witnesses].[163]
Retired Colonel Emmett Simmons, the African American commander who liberated Dachau on August 5, 1944[†††††††††††††] and freed thousands of Holocaust victims, made this sobering firsthand observation of a horrible tragedy that befell some Witnesses just before his arrival:
Hitler hung more Jehovah’s Witnesses than you can shake a stick at. He had no use for Jehovah’s Witnesses. The place [Dachau] was full of them. I saw at least 100 plus who had just been hung.
The Nazis were trying to kill as many as they could before we got there. But we came and established order. Altogether, there were about 250 of them. They were all white, many with blonde hair and blue eyes.
They hung them in the same way they would hang a “kapon,” with their hands tied behind their backs. “Kapon” was the Jewish name for “snitch”; someone who worked with the Nazis for selfish reasons; for some personal benefit. None of the Witnesses was a “kapon,” but it showed how much Hitler despised them because they would not go along with his program.
The young ones were worked to death. Hitler used some other method to kill the older ones because he had no use for them. Seeing what Hitler did to Jehovah’s Witnesses turned me against religion for a while since I knew he was supposed to be a religious man. Just look at what he did to Jehovah’s Witnesses. I could never figure out why he would do that to those people.
Later in life I reassessed my view of religion and tried to separate what he did from what religion is all about. After some years, I now feel a little better about religion.[164]
Did this horrifying treatment meted out to the Witnesses dampen their zeal for spreading the gospel? Did it weaken their integrity to their God Jehovah? The resolution below is representative of how the Witnesses responded:
“May 3, 1945
“The resolution of 230 of Jehovah’s witnesses from six nationalities, gathered in a forest near Schwerin in Mecklenburg.
“We witnesses of Jehovah gathered here, send heartfelt greetings to the faithful covenant people of Jehovah and their companions throughout the entire world in the words of Psalm 33:1-4 and Ps 37:9. Let it be known that our great God, whose name is Jehovah, has fulfilled his word to his people, especially in the territory of the King of the North. A long hard period of testing lies behind us and those who have
been preserved, snatched as it were from the fiery furnace, do not even have the smell of fire on them. (See Daniel 3:27.) To the contrary, they are full of strength and power from Jehovah and are eagerly awaiting new commands from the King to further Theocratic interests. Our resolve and our willingness to work are expressed in Isaiah 6:8 and Jeremiah 20:11 (Menge translation). Thanks to the Lord’s assistance and his gracious support, the enemy’s designs to cause us to break our integrity have failed, even though he attempted this by employing innumerable violent devilish schemes as well as thousands of inquisitional practices right out of the Middle Ages, both physical and mental, and many flatteries and enticements. All of these varied experiences that would fill many volumes are briefly described in the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10, 2 Corinthians 11:26, 27 and, above all, in Psalm 124 (Elberfelder translation). Satan and his demonized agents[‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡] have once again been marked as liars. (John 8:44) The great issue has once again been decided in Jehovah’s favor to his honor.—Job 1:9-11.[165]
Just like Martin Luther King, Jr.—and a host of other African Americans past and present—did not buckle under the pressure of an oppressive system designed to break the collective Black spirit, neither did the German White Witnesses cave in when subjected to an onerous system crafted to crack their spirit.
In fact, in a stunning act of respectful defiance (if there is such a thing), under the most barbaric conditions, the Witnesses did what they are known for the world over. What might that be? Preach the good news of the kingdom. Yes, they did it right there in the concentration camps!
What was often the result of this preaching activity? Converts! Incredibly, in one instance, three dozen fellow inmates of Sachsenhausen became Witnesses themselves, and that despite the fiendish persecution they saw the Witnesses enduring!
To our and your joy may you know that the Lord, Jehovah, has blessed us with rich spoils, thirty-six men of goodwill, who upon our leaving Sachsenhausen . . . voluntarily declared: “We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people.” Zechariah 8:23 has been fulfilled! Because of our hurried exit, many friends of the Theocracy were unable to join us, but Jehovah will direct matters so that they will soon find their way back to us.[166]
Irrespective of the number of Black leaders that were murdered, especially in 20th century America, a crop of new ones has arisen to carry on the legacy of their predecessors. As far as the future is concerned Black Americans are more determined than ever to fight the fine fight for equality and what is rightfully theirs.
Not surprisingly, such was the case with German Witnesses. Regardless of the seemingly overwhelming forces—seen and unseen—arrayed against them, they were more determined than ever to stay the course. Notice their bold declaration:
We, Jehovah’s witnesses, declare anew our complete faith in Jehovah and our complete dedication to his Theocracy.
We solemnly promise that we have only one desire, namely, in view of our deep appreciation for the endless chain of evidences of his marvelous preservation and his deliverances of us from the thousands of difficulties, conflicts and afflictions during our stay in the lions’ den, that we be permitted to serve Jehovah and his great King, Christ Jesus, with willing and joyful hearts for all eternity. That would be in itself our greatest reward.
We conclude our resolution with the words of Psalm 48 in the joyful conviction of an early reunion.
Your fellow servants for Jehovah’s holy name.[167]
Those who made themselves enemies of Jehovah’s Witnesses could not silence the collective voice of this devoted Christians. But even on an individual level Jehovah’s Witnesses had standouts, yes, leaders who carried on responsible activities at great risk.
As a result, some were hunted down like animals; like runaway slaves.
Manhunt: The Gestapo’s Most Wanted
During the days of slavery in America certain slaves defied the institution outrightly. One of them, Nat Turner, went so far as to kill not only his slave master and the slave master’s family, but also any slaveholders, their wives and children, and any antagonistic Whites who happened to be in his path of destruction.
As far as Turner was concerned, his work was, in reality, divine retribution at its best.
Turner, who said he heard “voices,” invoked the name of “Jehovah” as he endeavored to deal with the mental and physical horrors of slavery. Needless to say, one of the biggest manhunts in the relatively young nation’s history was underway. Turner was hunted down like an animal.
Much was at stake. Turner’s actions posed the greatest threat to an institution that constituted the warp and woof of American fabric, namely, slavery.
Well, though he never killed anyone, the Nazis hunted down, as they would an animal (or runaway slave), a White German Witness named Albert Wandres.
Just as Turner was a threat to the institution of slavery, Wandres was seen as a serious threat to the institution of National Socialism—or Nazism. The year was 1943.
Albert Wandres had been one of the regional service directors even before October 7, 1934, and his name soon became well known to the Gestapo, especially through the steady stream of court trials in the various cities of the Ruhr where he was working. In answer to the question as to where the defendants had got their literature, the name “Wandres” was often heard. The Gestapo put forth every effort to take him into custody. Cleverly, however, he had asked all the brothers who had pictures of him either to return them or to destroy them. The result was that, although the Gestapo knew his name, they had no idea what he looked like. He did not fall into the hands of his persecutors until after a three-and-a-half-year manhunt.[168]
White supremacists were determined to stop both the Black man, Nat Turner—and the Caucasian Witness, Albert Wandres. They were deemed legitimate threats to the establishment: a defiant African American and an errant, “Aryan” German.
Although it may be overlooked at first glance, these two men had much in common.
Again, it is little wonder that all White Witnesses unfortunate enough to have been corralled and eventually caged—like Black slaves—in German concentration camps were called, “The ‘Negroes’ in Europe.”
But, just as the descendants of Black slaves in America are seeking reparations for the unpaid wages their foreparents worked so hard for and hence were entitled to, the question becomes, should there be…
Reparations for Black German
Victims of the Holocaust?
Although belated (and grossly inadequate by some accounts), Japanese Americans rightfully receive reparations from the government under the administration of President William Jefferson Clinton. And according to a report released in New York by the Reuters news agency,
Some 300,000 Holocaust survivors, including slave labourers, will likely get funds from the $1.25 billion compensation settlement that Swiss banks accepted last year, a U.S. Holocaust lawyer estimated. Michael Hausfeld, an attorney with Washington, D.C.-based Cohen Milstein Hausfeld & Toll, who represented Holocaust plaintiffs in the Swiss case on a pro bono basis, said this was the first time he had made such an estimate. It is likely to take at least six months for all the parties to work out a detailed plan to handle the payouts, he added.[169]
Since there were several different groups aside from the Jews who were victimized by the Nazi juggernaut, the question must be asked: Just who else in particular is legitimately entitled to receive these payouts?
[T]he compensation that the Swiss banks agreed to pay to settle charges that they made money from Nazi war crimes was limited to Jews, the Romani people or Gypsies, Jehovah’s witnesses, and the physically and mentally handicapped.[170]
Practically everyone, even “Jehovah’s witnesses” who were subjected to Nazi war crimes, has been slated to receive “compensation” or reparations from the guilty-by-association Nazi-era Swiss banks.
But, what about a group that has been traditionally ignored by those r
esponsible for coordinating Holocaust victim’s compensation efforts?
Now what group might that possibly be? The answer is not difficult at all to contemplate: It is none other than Black Holocaust survivors.
Are these individuals, and the families of those who were victims of mass murder, entitled to “payouts” from Swiss banks, as has been determined in the case of the Jews?[§§§§§§§§§§§§§]
Many believe that this unthinkable subject should be well thought out; that this “unbroachable” subject should be broached; that as many people as possible should speak of this unspeakable matter.
Yes, this ineffable question of reparations for Afro German Holocaust victims, African American Holocaust victims, African Holocaust victims, as well as anyone else that may have been overlook who are members of the African Diaspora, should most assuredly be seriously entertained.
As has been well documented in the present work—as well as in other sources—there were from 20- to 24,000 Blacks in Germany during the Holocaust. And, happily, there are Black survivors of the Holocaust still alive today![**************]
There are also many witnesses who have attested to the fact that there was a Black presence. Joseph Kempler is one of them.
Kempler, a Jewish Holocaust survivor who later became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, actually saw “several Blacks” in Austria’s Mauthausen concentration camp.[171]